Monday, August 29, 2011

Why I'm starting a blog

So last week I went through training here at Lexmark to help me better understand how to be a scrum master. I learned many new things from the class but one thing really stuck with me. As the instructor was describing project management he said that what we are really trying to bring order to the chaos. I think that is a great way to understand what it is that project managers are trying to do. In particular I feel that it really explains why I am so drawn to project management. Most importantly, it has drawn for me a connection between my faith and my career.

Projects are very complex. They involve many different people with different opinions, values, and goals. They crawl across time incorporating various deliverables each with an associated cost to produce. Trying to make sure that the schedule, scope, and budget are predictable and known is not an easy task and initially at least they are all in the realm of the unknown. Thus all the chaos. Then the project manager comes in and attempts to get to know all these unknowns and lay them out in some kind of order. Then the tough job of bringing all those disparate opinions, values, and goals into line can begin.

So way am I so drawn to such a practice as this? Well, I am made, I think, with the unique gifts of being a peace maker. Of the four temperaments, I am decidedly a Phlegmatic. The one who wants everyone to get along and for things to be in order. And so I am constantly trying to determine how things should be done to fit everyones needs. A perfect fit for project management.

Now enter my faith. Jesus is the Prince of Peace. In one sense at least peace is the opposite of chaos. So in a way, project managers are bringing about peace in this world. We are doing the work of our God to calm the chaos of all these messy projects. In doing so we are creating work for people to do and helping to move forward toward our final goal of Heaven.

So now all that is left is to explain the titles. I am starting this blog because I have wanted to start a blog for some time. The problem I had was knowing what to write about. I knew I wanted it to involve my faith, but as of yet I had not really found a way to incorporate my faith into my life. And so adding another responsibility of writing about my faith to my days did not seem prudent. Now though, I have connected faith to my career. No longer do I have to view this blog as a departure from my daily tasks, but rather it is an extension of them. So now whenever I write a blog entry I can say that I was able to find time for peace.

"Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God." - Matthew 5:9

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